Anatoly Shusterman
(former lab member)
Twitter: @aToliks
Research Interests
Machine Learning and Side Channel Analysis.Publications
- Cache-based characterization: A low-infrastructure, distributed alternative to network-based traffic and application characterization (Elsevier Computer Networks Volume 200, December 2021)
- Website Fingerprinting Through the Cache Occupancy Channel and its Real World Practicality (IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing Volume 18, Issue 5, September 2021)
- Prime+Probe 1, JavaScript 0: Overcoming Browser-based Side-Channel Defenses (30th USENIX Security Symposium, 2021)
- Robust Website Fingerprinting Through the Cache Occupancy Channel (28th USENIX Security Symposium, 2019)

I am a Ph.D student at the Information Systems Engineering Department at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
I have a B.Sc in Software and Information Systems Engineering, M.Sc in the Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics track of the Software and Information Systems Engineering Department. I am a member of the Implementation Security and Side-Channel Lab under Dr. Yossi Oren.
My fields of research include:
Hardware side channel attacks, Machine Learning and privacy in the web. In my thesis I study the information leakage making Website Fingerprinting possible through Hardware.