Omer Shwartz
(former lab member)

Research Interests
Hardware SecurityPublications
- Characterization and Detection of Cross-Router Covert Channels (Elsevier Computers & Security, January 2023, 103125)
- Inner Conflict: How Smart Device Components Can Cause Harm (Elsevier Computers & Security, Volume 89, February 2020, 101665)
- Cyber Attack on SUUNTO Dive Computer (Technical Report)
- Reverse Engineering IoT Devices: Effective Techniques and Methods (IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 5, Issue 6, 2019)
- Sensorless, Permissionless Information Exfiltration with Wi-Fi Micro-Jamming (12th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT), 2018)
- Shattered Trust: When Replacement Smartphone Components Attack (11th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT), 2017)
- Opening Pandora's Box: Effective Techniques for Reverse Engineering IoT Devices (17th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference (CARDIS), 2017)
- From Smashed Screens to Smashed Stacks: Attacking Mobile Phones Using Malicious Aftermarket Parts (Workshop on Security for Embedded and Mobile Systems (SEMS), 2017)

Omer Shwartz
I am a Ph.D student at the Information Systems Engineering Department at Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
I have a B.Sc in Computer Science and Bioinformatics, M.Sc in the Cyber Security track of the Information Systems Engineering Department and am a member of the Implementation Security and Side-Channel Lab under Dr. Yossi Oren.
My fields of research include:
- Mobile and IoT hardware security: especially “hardware meets software” scenarios.
- Side channel information leakage.
- Fall 2017:
- TA - 372.1.2102 - Advanced programming
- Lab - 372.1.4117 - Information security management
- Spring 2017:
- TA - 372.1.1105 - Intro to software engineering
- Fall 2016:
- TA - 372.1.2051 - Algorithms
My other hobbies include SCUBA diving, rock climbing and biking around the beautiful desert that surrounds the city of Beer Sheba.
I also have a mischievous dog called Luise
You are welcome to visit my wonderful personal website!